Good Things, Small Packages - Southford Falls State Park
Southford Falls State Park , Oxford , CT State Park site Trail Map There are over a hundred state parks in little Connecticut , and beyond Sleeping Giant, I’ve only been to a few – those with miles of trails on their own or where one of the blue-blazed trails passes through. At 120 acres, Southford Falls is one of the smaller parks. But I am a sucker for waterfalls, and when a photo group planned a shoot at Southford Falls , I had to check it out. The falls are a beautiful photo spot, but don’t stop there. The state park is a great place to spend some time and wander around. The falls run on Eight Mile Brook as it flows from Lake Quassapaug to the Housatonic River . If you're mapping it out, be careful to avoid wrong turns from the naming convention used out here - this ...